This is a HUGE mistake that almost every yoga teacher I know is guilty of making.
Now! Let’s talk about your value…
I was going to save this worksheet for 1YT Students…
…but, since so many teachers told me their biggest problem was not making enough money, I’m giving this to you too. So as long as you’re willing to give your email. It’s powerful. And will make an immediate difference in how you think about yourself and what you have to offer.
But Let Me Be Crystal Clear
When you sign up, I am going to try and sell you something. And something pretty darn amazing if you’re a yoga teacher. 🙂
But the upshot is that whether you choose to buy my product or not (which isn’t even available now), I’ll still deliver a whole ton of value to you simply for being on my list.
Download The Passion-Niche Finder Assessment Here!
That huge mistake yoga teachers make is not *actually* creating a niche for themselves.
You might say, “But wait, I’m a Vinyasa Flow Teacher!”
And my response would be, “And so are 4,867,389 other yoga teachers!”
So let’s get more specific and let me use a real world example to illustrate my point.
Let’s say there’s a marathon runner (we’ll call him Michael) looking to hire a yoga teacher to teach him 1-on-1.
Who do you think Michael would choose?
The “Vinaysa Flow Yoga Teacher” or “The Yoga Teacher who specializes in yoga for marathon runners”?
It’s a no-brainer!
Even if the “Vinyasa Flow Yoga Teacher” charges 50$/hr and the “Marathon Specialist” charges 152.43$/hr….guess what?
It’s still a no-brainer!
Think about it, if you and I both want our eyes operated on we go to an eye surgeon. If we have heart problems, we don’t just see any old doctor, we see a heart specialist.
When you choose a niche and specialize, you create your own value!
And this is what’s called a Value Ladder. Next time, I’ll show you how to climb up a litter further.
Now you might be saying, “Well, Brian, now I’ve just limited myself to a tiny, tiny fragment of people.”
Not true
Choosing a niche for yourself is like playing darts, you can still score plenty of points even if you don’t hit the bullseye.
Also, how do these two phrases sound to you:
“I teach Vinyasa Flow, but I CAN work with runners.”
“I specialize in marathon runners, but I do teach Vinyasa Flow classes.”
See the difference?
There’s a great quote that goes something like this, “The riches are in the niches”.
This is your goal: To create a niche for yourself so that you can focus all of your efforts into serving that sliver of the market.
This is also how you separate yourself from the competition. Even if your community is packed with studios and teachers…
…ZERO competition!
How cool would that be?
Not to mention, this also makes marketing WAY easier!
And now, you might be asking, “How do I find these people on auto-pilot so I never have to worry about not having enough clients, students, and gigs ever again?”
These people are called your ideal students (which we’ll talk about later).
And the process is actually simple once you figure out exactly what YOUR niche should be. This is called your Passion-Niche.
This makes your marketing efforts WAY clearer!
Now you have a target
So for now, fill out this worksheet, “The Passion-Niche Assessment”.
The Passion-Niche Assessment.pdf
And start filling it out right away. Even if you think you know, do it anyway. It’s a great exercise for developing clarity in YOUR career path. This will make Video #2 even more effective for you. 🙂
Your homework is simple, leave a comment in the box below video #1 (Which you’ll see immediately after you receive the assessment worksheet) and let me know you did your homework and filled out the sheet. I’ll respond and tell you how awesome you are.
I’m here to transform you from an information junkie into someone who takes action and reaches their TRUE POTENTIAL.
You and I are on a rocket headed straight to the moon! (see the pdf and you’ll get the joke ;-))
Talk to you later,
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