If you have not read: The Ultimate Guide to Handstand If you’re looking for the optimal handstand experience, I encourage you to take a look at that article first, then come back to this one. If you don’t have time for now, that’s ok, you’ll still get plenty of useful & actionable tips from this […]
From Day Dreaming to Goal Setting: Everything you Need to Crush it at Handstand Transitions
Preface: If you have any other questions from the video that I didn’t cover, you can leave them as a comment at the bottom. Also, what are some other fun transitions you’ve seen or would like to see? This is more of an inspirational video. If this short clip can inspire you to start […]
Pose Dissection 003: 2 Simple Secrets to an Amazing Chin Stand (Uttana Salabhasana)
“I heard you have to be really flexible??” “No…you need strong arms” “But the core isn’t really important.” “Um…what pose doesn’t require your core? That’s a brilliant statement.” “Are you stupid??? I’ve trained with [insert Guru X here] and he said you just need arm strength” “And if you didn’t have it, I bet he told you […]
The Ultimate Guide to Handstand
Preface: As a way to motivate you to nail your handstand, here is video of me demonstrating everything you can do with your handstand once you get it. Learning to balance on your hands will open up an entirely new world for you. If I can do it, YOU can do it. Enjoy the post […]
On Headstand (Part 2), Dark Rooms, and the Zen of Practicing Yoga with Fear
Have you ever been really scared? As a child, remember the pitch-black room in your house that you never wanted to be in alone? Your elevated heart beat. The raised hairs on your pale skin. The turn-back-now voice in your head that grew louder every time you took a step further. You could sense something […]