Does the Yoga Industry Exploit Yoga Teachers? | The Asana Academy Podcast
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So on a personal note, I started teaching a yoga class, an actual, real yoga class in a classroom for the first time since COVID and this sparked a thought in me. It’s marked a real legitimate thought and something I wanted to ask you guys about here. And that question is what I posed in the title of the show.
Does the yoga industry exploit yoga teachers. Does it, do you feel exploited as a yoga teacher? Now, let me ask, let me ask and let’s talk about this because the reality of the situation. Is that. Can a yoga teacher today in 2023. Make a living make a full-time living. Just teaching yoga. And the sad reality of that answer is no.
They cannot right now. I’ve taught. I’ve taught yoga classes now, both in California and I moved to. Nevada Las [00:01:00] Vegas a couple of years ago now in 2021. And now teaching yoga here. Is it possible for a yoga teacher to make a living? Not really, not in less. Not, unless you decide you want to teach 20, 30, 40, 50 classes a week, maybe.
And. Grind yourself to the bone, but the reality of it is. That’s not sustainable now. The bigger question and I should probably also state this. And I’m very curious, based on where you live now in California. I’m going to go out on a limb and I’m going to say that the rate that yoga teachers get paid is on the higher end, a hundred dollars plus is pretty standard in California. You can correct me if I’m wrong on that. That’s.
Ben my experience. Now in Nevada, I have a small sample size here in Las Vegas, but the teaching range is 20 to $50. So let’s say you’re at the high end of the range, teaching a yoga class. Let’s just say 50, right? [00:02:00] That means you would have to teach. I don’t know, 20 classes a week to make a living 20 classes a week to be able to pay rent.
To pay your bills to make ends meet. And that’s the problem. The big problem is that. Teaching. Double digit classes per week. Doesn’t actually add up to a great lifestyle at all. You just get burned out and if you do this right, and this is the journey of a new yoga teacher, which is you start the training.
You graduate, the training, you get a certificate. And then as a result, you now have this excitement and you’re now, new teacher you’re really exuberant about teaching. You take all the classes that you can. And then you do it for a couple of months and then you realize you’re burned out well.
That’s the sad reality that most yoga teachers go through and. The issue here. Is. Can everybody be doing a little bit more? Is the question now? [00:03:00] I understand from both sides. I want to have this, I want to have this argument, and this is not the bash yoga studios by any stretch of the imagination. It’s not an, even though I run my own business online and I also.
Do teach yoga. I’ve sat at both sides of the table now. They’re the reality of the situation here. Is that. If you’ve ever run the numbers on a yoga studio. So this is me talking to you as a yoga teacher. If you ever run the numbers. On a yoga studio, you’ll realize that the numbers are extremely tight.
It’s not like there is. An infinite number of money flowing around for the business to be profitable.
And just, that can just be thrown at yoga teachers. I understand that. And you probably, maybe you understand that too. All it takes is running some basic numbers and understanding. Plus you look at the rising cost of power. You look at the rising cost of gas and electricity and everything going on with [00:04:00] inflation.
Yoga studio numbers are even tighter. Now my issue though. With this is that. Back when I started teaching yoga back in, what was this now? 2006, 2007, 2008 ish in that range. The rate for yoga teachers has been exactly the same, that really hasn’t gone up at all. It really hasn’t.
Increased with.
Inflation. It hasn’t increased with anything, although everything else is going up. Have you guys seen the cost of a dozen eggs these days? My gardener to come. Take care of my house is $200. So that would mean theoretically, if you’re at the high end of teaching yoga here in Las Vegas.
At say 50 bucks, you would have to teach four classes, four classes. Just to cover. The gardener who comes and takes care of my yard, no disrespect to gardeners or anything, [00:05:00] but, they set their services, a lot of services, quite frankly. Have gone up exponentially and services have increased a lot quicker than say, wages of teachers, et cetera, et cetera. But that’s beside the point.
The reality of it is though, is that there’s one side of it is. Now if the yoga studio is profitable, can they, should they pass some of that onto the teachers? Yes. The teachers make without great teachers, the studio doesn’t survive. So that’s. The direction that studios are going in. It’s big chain, so you can go back and you can listen to my.
Podcast episode that I did at the beginning of the month, the state of the yoga industry in 2023.
The yoga industry is moving. And the reason I post this question is because the yoga industry is moving to commoditize yoga teachers, right? There’s less and less creative freedom. Meaning. They don’t want people anymore who come and to teach their own thing. I’ve got this style of yoga, but there’s [00:06:00] something, we have a set sequence. We have a way to teach it. We have a brand. We want you to uphold the brand.
We want you to teach this. So that there’s no creative freedom whatsoever. And then if you get tired, then we’ll just replace you with somebody else. From the training. As I stayed in that episode, he didn’t listen to it. The state of the yoga industry of 2023. Yoga teacher trainings are becoming more like factories.
And this is the problem, right? I think the root of the problem here. Is that yoga teacher trainings, ill-equipped teachers for the reality of what it is to teach yoga and yoga teacher trainings are getting. Dumbed down. And what I mean by that. Is. Exactly this. Trainings now are not actually preparing yoga teachers to be.
Standalone yoga teachers and to survive on their own. All they’re doing is they’re training the teachers. To teach whatever style of yoga they teach at the studio. Which means. [00:07:00] Here’s the set sequence on a piece of paper, we’ll teach you minimal anatomy. We don’t care if you know it, but what we really want you to do.
Is just teach the sequence. Follow the sequence and teach that. And that’s all you need. So the trainings that are being advertised as teacher training become a great yoga teacher. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. All of this are actually just, it’s just the disguise to say, here you go. Here’s the script for the way we teach at our studio, follow the sequence and stick to it. And don’t deviate. Otherwise you’re fired right now in that point. And in my eyes, that’s unethical because that’s not really actually training you to become a yoga teacher.
You’re just paying thousands of dollars, probably for a crappy notebook and a training. And here’s the 22 sequences opposes. We teach the studio. Teach them in this order and do that right. Lots of Bikram. Knock-off sequences that all do the same thing. And then you also have the, like the Vinyasa stuff too, which is okay, here’s this, here’s our set Vinyasa sequence. Just teach the same thing every time. [00:08:00] Why? Because they don’t trust the yoga teachers to put together.
Proper sequences. They don’t trust the yoga teachers. To have anything. That is, worthwhile on their own. But the reality of it is they don’t prepare the teachers to do that. They have less and less knowledge. I’ll argue that teacher trainings are becoming commoditized as well. And that the trainings.
Are now designed to give the minimum. To get a yoga teacher teaching as quick as possible. And can we create a factory? Now in that regard. Yoga teachers are clearly being exploited. And you may not realize that. And this episode is more for if you are thinking about going into yoga teaching, understand that you are not just going to magically switch careers and become a teacher who makes hundreds of dollars per class has an endless amounts of clients is going to be supported by the studio is going to be able to quit your job.
And live this lifestyle, right? [00:09:00] Like with yoga teaching, there’s this lifestyle. For some reason that’s associated with it. This glamorous lifestyle. Which is I will become a yoga teacher. I’ll have millions of followers on Instagram. I’ll be parading around with my crew on a yacht and Ibiza somewhere out in the Metta Mediterranean sea.
That’s the image, but it’s far from truth. It’s far from truth. And so in that regard, everyone can do a little bit more here. And. Trainings. My specific problem is. Not with yoga studio owners, they’re doing the best they can. But my specific training is my specific problem is with yoga teacher trainings, they’re getting dumber and dumber, and they’re designed to turn out teachers as quickly as possible. And so that makes ill-equipped teachers who aren’t equipped to do their job correctly.
They don’t have the confidence, they don’t have the self-esteem. So then they just end up getting out of the industry, and most yoga teacher trainings. Really don’t care. [00:10:00] If teachers make it or not, once they get their couple of grand they’re out. They’re great. Okay. I’ve collected my money.
Whatever they want to do with it is on their own time. And the reason I know this is because, and the reason I know this is because of my program, body breakthrough. It’s a press handstand program, but we educate people and we have a lot of yoga teachers that do the program. We educate them about their anatomy, how it works, the way their body functions, et cetera, et cetera. And I have student after student tell me that. And while this isn’t explicitly a yoga teacher training, I’ve had.
Teacher after teacher tell me that they’ve learned 10, 20 times as much in this program, as they did even a hundred times as much as in their yoga training. This was actually the training that propelled. Their career and propelled. Propelled them to go out and teach because the reality of it is, and.
This is why I don’t want to do yoga teacher trainings anymore, because I think the yoga lions is outdated. I think. I think that the criteria is [00:11:00] dumbed down. I think that it’s just a factory. I would rather teach my own stuff. And I would rather learn by doing, and that’s one of the reasons that’s one of the reasons why yoga teachers do like my program so much is because guess what.
You actually learn the way your body works by actually doing something right. And I’ve talking about my program. Not aside.
That’s one thing. Okay. So the main training, the entry level for yoga teachers is 200 hours. And the thing is who knows what is being taught in those trainings? It’s just a very basic dumbed down. Here’s the sequence do this very minimum, right? I think if you were to pull yoga teacher, so you can tell me, you can respond at, in fact, send me a DM on Instagram @brianganad.
You can follow me there. You can send me a DM and you can let me know if you’ve done a teacher training. Were you prepared? Did you feel prepared to teach? Did you feel like you had all of the skills that you needed? In order to. Teach and feel confident in teaching. Probably not. Probably not, you can send me a DM [00:12:00] on Instagram and you can let me know.
But that being said, that doesn’t mean. That doesn’t mean that if you want to be a yoga teacher, That. You just say I’m going to pack it in and this is my other problem I should say, right? This is now my problem teachers. They just accept the reality. They’re going to pay me $20 at the studio, so I’m just going to go with it. And I’m just going to.
I’m just gonna. Go with the flow, right? Because I don’t want to rock the boat. And that’s fine, but here’s also. Way to think about it is that if you understand that your education. If you understand that your education isn’t enough, then you gotta do more to make yourself better. You gotta make yourself more valuable.
In the industry that you work in, that’s the direction that the world is going is if you want to be paid more, you got to create more value for yourself. And a lot of teachers believe they graduate from their trainings and their know-it-alls. They don’t want to practice. They feel like they know everything.
And they can’t be told anymore, but here’s the other side to that. Is [00:13:00] there’s a quote and it goes something like this. It’s what’s, it’s what you learn after, everything that really counts. And this is where you have got to really take responsibility for yourself and say, okay, if I want to become a yoga teacher and I really want to make this a career.
We have to realize from the start that going out and teaching classes for $20. Is not going to do it right. That’s not a sustainable career. You need to have other. Avenues of generating income. You need to have other income streams. You also need to continue to educate yourself and learn so that you can make yourself more valuable.
Understanding that trainings aren’t going to do enough. There’s a lot of things that aren’t even addressed in that training. And I’ve thought about this. For a while, because for me, yoga has a special place in my heart because a yoga not only gave me my direction in life, but it also [00:14:00] changed my body. And I also saw the numerous benefits of yoga. So let’s not skew this also and say I’m just bashing yoga in general.
I actually love yoga myself. I love it. I wish it was better. That’s why I’m here talking about it. And I really mean that I want, I wish it was better so that there could be more yoga teachers, better yoga teachers who have thriving careers and know what they do. And know what they’re doing and have that self confidence believe me. And I look at it. I’ve been doing yoga long enough now, and this is just.
This is pretty obvious. This is my assessment, but it’s probably pretty obvious to you too. Is the skills that the average yoga teacher has these days is going down. It’s going down and the average yoga class has just not very good. There’s no details anymore. There’s no voice projection. There’s no confidence. They don’t know anything beyond the script. They don’t know how to interact with people. They don’t know how to communicate. They don’t know how to be engaging.
There’s nothing that they learn because they don’t have the confidence. They do not have the confidence because the training is not enough for them. There needs to be more, [00:15:00] there has to be more than they have to learn. So that being aside. That aside. What can you do, right? And if you’re a yoga teacher and you want to make it, I’m going to say I’m going to go through a bunch of things that you probably need to learn.
And also it’s moving beyond yoga. The first thing to understand. Is that you have to get out of your head, that making money is not evil. Asking for more money is not evil. In fact, I would argue the opposite that how on earth could you help people and do your best for people when you, yourself and your needs aren’t taken care of.
The yoga industry likes you to think that asking for more money is evil, that you need to be paid more and they shame you for asking for it. Even shame me for charging, right? There’s this stigma that you should just be. That you should just be, It’s a service that should be free. You should offer it to everybody. You’re committing, you’re dedicating yourself to a life of service and [00:16:00] should be free.
Great. But the reality of it is you can’t pay your bills. With Pronto. You just can’t. Understanding first and foremost is correcting your. Mindset issues around money, which is extremely important is understanding that you do need to get paid and that’s okay. And at the same time, understanding that maybe teaching isn’t the best avenue to do that. That’s why we have also business programs where we work with yoga teachers and we work with coaches in general that, we help them build.
Online courses, create coaching programs and sell the coaching programs to create real programs of value. So that way they can transform their life. And. That’s a very easy, that’s a very easy way. I shouldn’t say easy. But it’s another way that you can add an income stream. It takes work.
But it takes work to build the course and establish your expertise. But once you have that working, then that becomes a very [00:17:00] sustainable way to make money for you. Number one, what you should be doing, and nobody’s going to tell you, this is you’ve got to find your area of expertise. You have to specialize that the yoga industry doesn’t need any more generalists. They need specialists.
They need people. Who can solve specific problems for people? As I stated in my previous podcast, the state of yoga industry, 2023.
The direction the yoga industry is moving in, is that the more and more crowded it gets, the more and more people are going to create crave specialists and less generalists. We don’t need any more generalists we need specialist. And when you have, when you’re a specialist, you can solve specific problems for people and people pay for specific problems.
So one of the things that you should be acutely aware of is.
Understanding what your area of expertise is, even if you’re a new teacher and you’re starting, you should have an acute awareness on what it is that you can really specialize in and what it is that you can really help people with, because that’s something that you can turn into a product, right? Because if you want to [00:18:00] be, if you want sustainability and you want to become.
A full-time yoga teacher and not just for a couple months, it’s really easy to say. A lot of people say, yeah, I was a full-time yoga teacher and I say for how long? And they say for three months, It’s great. They taught 10,000 classes in three months and burned out. Yeah, they were full-time but they didn’t make it.
If you want to be. A yoga teacher who lasts and endures. You have to start. You have to have one eye on productizing your knowledge, right? You have to be able to. Turn your knowledge into products so that you can move away from just simply. Trading your time for dollars. So eventually you can go to sleep and sell courses in your sleep or sell products in your sleep or whatever that is, or maybe you want to go a different route. Maybe you want to start manufacturing things. Maybe you want to make some yoga blocks or products or maths or that, that [00:19:00] kind of thing.
I’m no expert in that. I’m more of an expert on. Monetizing expertise and turning that into coaching programs and courses. That’s where I specialize in. And that’s the direction that I would recommend. You go to continue to fine tune your skills, so that’s number one, but number two.
With the money thing and the money mindset. And I have a whole new podcast, by the way, it’s called mindset daily. I’ll put a link in the show notes that you can go listen to. To really help with all areas of your life, with your mindset. But.
You have to spend time learning business. It’s a must. You have to spend time learning, marketing, learning sales, even if you hate those things. Even if you feel like. They, you don’t like them. It’s not your area. You need to, or maybe you think selling is also slimy and dirty. You need to change your mindset on that too. And you have to realize that everything in life is a sale, right? You’re marketing yourself.
Your skills, your persona. It’s an absolute [00:20:00] must that you develop those skills. You can’t just, you can’t just let them. You can’t just pass them off and say, you know what? It’s, that’s not my role. The first, the thing that the first thing you got to get into your head, when you start teaching yoga is you have to realize you’re in the business.
Ultimately of yourself, right? You’re in your business, you have to market your skills. You have to market yourself. You can’t be afraid to do that. And. For lots of us. That’s not normal. It’s just not normal. You have to learn to put yourself out there. Promote yourself and your skills and not be shy because anything else, like any anyone else who got started is if you aren’t willing to promote yourself, who else is going to promote you?
And you have to overcome that hurdle. Sometimes you feel like, oh, we can’t put ourselves out there. We can’t. I can’t say this, or I can’t say that, or that’s, that makes me look. Really self-serving if I do that, but look at the end of the day, you got to take care of yourself.
You’ve got to take care of yourself and at burst, you have to promote yourself because [00:21:00] nobody’s going to and. Eventually you’ll grow bigger and bigger to the point where other people will start to promote you for yourself, but you have to start. And that means understanding marketing and understanding sales.
That is such an important skill set to learn as a yoga teacher. It’s going to take you a long way, right? Like I can’t emphasize how important just these first two things are. It’ll completely change your. Shudra trajectory of a yoga teacher. Which is okay, let me think of productizing. And by the way, it doesn’t have to be online, it doesn’t even have to be online at first. Maybe you start and you put together eight week programs, 10 week programs, maybe.
Four week program and overcoming back pain, eight week program on, moving beyond stress and experiencing more peace, maybe a 10 week program on whatever it is you want to do. Run them in person, run them with. Run them. Run them at your studio. It’s a must right. Start to learn those things. And with marketing and sales, by understanding how to create programs. [00:22:00]
Combined with the skills of marketing and sales. You now have an engine that you yourself depend on. So that way. You can start to make money, right? You’ve always got a way to make money. It’s that important, but then three, you also have to work on your communication skills, which is. Building yourself up your self-confidence your, self-esteem your self-worth. You have to see value in yourself because if you don’t see value in yourself, who else is going to see value and use the question?
And you have to believe that you are worthy to stand in front of people and teach people. It’s such a critical part of it is the work. And that’s why I created this. At my other podcast mindset daily, I’ll put a link in the show notes. It’s very powerful and. There’s all sorts of things in there to help improve your self confidence, your self worth.
How to be more successful, how to build more discipline, how to make decisions, basically everything you need to succeed. It’s like a tool kit, right? It’s like a mindset tool kit. In order to. Get to where you want to go. All of those things [00:23:00] are such. Their skill sets that are mandatory for yoga teachers, right? These are mandatory skill sets, and this is the way you move beyond those kinds of things.
Otherwise, you get stuck in the same wheel, which is the hamster wheel of teaching classes. And until you get burned out, but that’s not a sustainable way, there’s a much greater purpose. You can impact a lot more people. That way by going through and actually developing yourself. And that’s what you’re not going to get. And teacher trainings, like no one in teacher trainings is going to teach you how to build programs and courses. And no one is going to teach you.
In trainings, how to build self-confidence self-worth self-esteem all of these things. No one teaches you marketing and sales and trainings. And in my opinion, These are critically important parts as equals learning the yoga itself. It’s one thing that no one ever teaches people when they go out on their own, which is why they struggle.
Is that just because you have a skill set or you’re passionate about something doesn’t mean that you automatically are going to go out and sell millions of copies of whatever [00:24:00] it is you want to do. The reason why most people fail when they got on their own is because they don’t learn marketing and sales plain and simple. You have to learn those things. If you’re going to go out on your own.
Going out on your own is like running a business for yourself. And you can’t run a business without learning, marketing and sales. It’s that simple.
All right. My final point on. On today’s show is how else can you beat this form of exploitation? You have to S you have to set standards for yourself. Which is, I am not going out here to be mediocre. I am not going out here to be average. I am not just going to do the minimum and expect maximum return.
I am going to do my best because I love yoga. And I love it. And I want to make this a career. I got to do my best, your very bad. You have to go for mastery. In fact, what I would encourage you to do. And. This is one thing that I have. My private clients do [00:25:00] is. All right. So let’s look let’s once, once you’ve decided on some kind of skill set or some kind of something that you want to do, or your message in the world, go look at what the best do and commit to making it better.
And don’t just look within the yoga industry. Look in general, right? If you want to put together a yoga program for back pain, or you want to put together a yoga program for mental health and healing. Just do a search online. Just go look for what other people do. Get a gauge for what the best deal.
And so that will, you can align your standards and you want to commit to being as good if not better. And don’t just, don’t discredit yourself from the start and say I don’t have the. Experience, I can’t do this. I can’t do that. I don’t have the experience to do that. So they’re just better than me. Eh, you can’t have that attitude that, that doesn’t work. You can’t take that attitude. You can’t approach things from an inferiority point of view, you commit to learning and you commit to doing right,
and one of the things that I stress all the [00:26:00] time amongst my clients is you have got to lower. The threshold of knowledge required to take action. And I’m going to say that one more time. In order to be successful, you have to commit to lowering the threshold required. To take action, right? That’s the difference between.
Successful people and unsuccessful people. Successful people get started. They take action. Even though they don’t have all the answers in it and it’s uncomfortable. That’s fine. Unsuccessful people need all the answers in order to act. So lowering your threshold of knowledge in order to take action is.
Such a crucial part to. This whole process, right? You have to take action. You have to learn. You have to commit to being the best look, look out there and it, and a tune, your standard to what the best do and make a commitment to yourself and say, aye. I can. Do I can create something just like this. I can create [00:27:00] something.
Just like that. If not better in my own voice, that’s more author that’s authentic to me. And people will resonate with that. And that’s why. People ask a lot. Where did you develop your confidence to create things and build things and do this? The reality of it is, I’ve been doing this now for pretty close to 10 years. I, the secret is that I didn’t know anything when I started, I just.
Put stuff out there and hope for the best. You just learn, you learn as you go. I have always looked at it as a way. I’ve always looked at it like this. If I want to learn how to hit a golf ball, I can read all the books about hitting a golf ball. I can read all. I can watch all the YouTube videos.
I can, there’s all sorts of things I can do. I can watch all the golf shows, but the reality is there’s no substitute. For actually just hitting the golf ball, picking up a club and swinging. Action by doing. Our learning by action is far more [00:28:00] powerful than passive knowledge. Learning. By physically making your body move.
Becomes far more powerful than simply reading a book. And that’s what you have to do. You have to commit to these kinds of things and you have to commit to saying, Whatever the yoga industry does to me. It doesn’t matter because I’m in control of my actions and what I want to do. And as long as I am in control.
As long as I am in control of my actions. Then I will be fine. I will learn to trust myself. I will learn. I will learn the skills you have to commit also to not being perfect and just realize you’re just learning as you go. It’s totally fine. Totally fine. But you have to shift in that regard, right? This is not a podcast.
For us to have a pity party and say, yeah, the yoga industry is not fair. They underpay us the training. Suck. They suppress us. They do this and this. Yeah. Whatever who cares. This isn’t the, like [00:29:00] this isn’t the place for that. The question is what are you going to do about it? And that is in your full control. You can continue to learn. You can continue to get better and you can continue.
To develop the skills to make yourself more valuable, right? When you make yourself more valuable. Naturally, you’re going to find money that flows to you, but you have to do the work to make yourself more valuable. All right. So that’s all that I’ve got on today’s show. I would like to hear your thoughts. You can reach out to me on Instagram @brianaganad, find me there, please. You can send me a message. You can let me know. Your experience of what that’s like. And also tell me what you plan to do. Tell me what you want to do. If you’re someone who really wants to make it in this yoga industry, and you want to build a real career.
Out of it. Tell me what you want to do. And then if you want to, if you are actually interested in building a coaching program and transforming your knowledge into transforming your expertise and your knowledge into. An online course and a coaching program. You can also just send me a [00:30:00] message somewhere, email.
Instagram, I’ll send you a link to the application. We’ll have a conversation and we’ll talk about what that is and map out a plan. For. Exactly what that looks like. And that’s something that I can definitely help you with and something that I can definitely help you. Move forward. On with that.
What else and share this podcast. Interesting. Interestingly enough, it’s funny how I was going through the comments. Some of the comments that I got on. My, the last episode I did on the, about the state of the yoga industry in 2023. And a lot of people share the same sentiment, but the problem is that it’s a little bit negative and the sentiment is just like we’re stuck. I don’t like that worst stuck thing. Like I don’t like to play the role of the victim. That’s not healthy for you either.
Building an actual doing the question always is what are you going to do about it? And to build, yes, you’re frustrated if you’re frustrated, change it. That’s how you move out of frustration. That’s how if you’re stressed, you can’t pay your bills. Change it. You’re in full control to change it. [00:31:00]
All right. So that’s all I’ve got for you on today’s show. Also, please leave a review for the podcast, wherever you listen to podcasts, apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Spotify, you can leave it there and also share this with another yoga teacher, share it with people in the yoga industry.
I’m very curious on their opinions. I like to hear it. One of the, one of the ways I get a pulse on the market, it’s just by simply getting responses from people, seeing how they feel. Feel about things, learning what they have to say and getting new perspectives. All right. So that’s all I’ve got on.
Today’s show have a good rest of the day. Talk to you soon.
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